Appeal against Judgments Handed down by the Juvenile Court in Accordance with Law no. 111 of 2015 and amended by Law No. 1 of 2015
The study deals with the criminal proceedings by appealing judgments handed down by the juvenile court in accordance with the Juvenile Code. Law No. 111 of 2015 and amended by Law No. 1 of 2017, as an important safeguard of a fair trial, guaranteeing the protection of juveniles’ rights and the preservation of their freedom and seeking to reform those right. The study begins with a preliminary introduction to juvenile definition, theirresponsibilities, as well as the competent court responsible for juvenile matters. Thus, the whole study aims to ensure that court decisions against juveniles are appealed in ordinary and usual ways according to the organization of the law, the Code of Criminal Procedure and Trials, where the provision is not included.
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