
This version which is entitled “What is Citizenship?”, is the second in the series – I hope it will continue – for systematic scientific introduction of popular social concepts and terminology among Arab field activists, media professionals and academics. This series aims -on one hand- to contribute to enriching the study of these modern concepts and systematically tuned at the theoretical level. A more mature and thorough approach to documenting, analyzing and -possibly guiding- the situation and social mobility of our Arab countries. On the other hand, this series seeks to increase scientific and factual awareness of analysis, diagnosis, and possibly treatment among social-political activists and practitioners, and the public. One of the contemporary and widely circulated concepts that concerns this series is: civil society, citizenship, and others. The first issue of this series was issued -in 2017- and was entitled “What is Civil Society?” (Main definition of civil society in European Thought). The idea and concepts of citizenship have been chosen and addressed “by definition and identification of two main reasons: the importance of the topic on one hand, and the status of citizenship in fact the pension in the Arab world in general and Kuwait in particular.

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